










Dear MGA Contestants,


Happy Chinese year of the Tiger!

We are glad to receive numerous motion graphic design works for the Chinese Zodiac (Tiger). These excellent works were created by many students from colleges and universities in China, Singapore, Malaysia, NewZealand, Japan, Hong Kong China, and other regions as well as professionals in the field of visual arts.

In January 2022, the MGA Committee had invited five evaluation experts from Portugal, Italy, Singapore, Hong Kong China, and New Zealand to s erve as judges for the competition. According to the evaluation criteria, 13 works per each from the student group and the professional group were selected to be the shortlisted for awards. The winning-entries will beexhibited in “Xu Weixiong Studio” Wechat Video Account on February 1,2022.

After the Spring Festival, the MGA Committee will hold the award ceremony of the Chinese Zodiac (Tiger) Motion Graphic Awards in Shenzhen.The Gold, Silver, Bronze, Medallion for Excellence in the professional and student groups and Excellent Advisor Award will be announced at the ceremony.At the same time, the launch ceremony of the Chinese Zodiac (Rabbit) Motion Graphic Awards will be held. (The specific time and location of the event will be notified).


Thank you for your participation!

Best wishes to you a happy new year of the Tiger!


MGA Committee

January 31, 2022




学生组  Student Group

■  (SG) Faith Cheng、Khalifah Ridhuan

■  (CN) Jiang Jintian、Wang Zifeng、Guo Qiupeng、Zheng Jiaxin

■  (SG) Ma YiFang、Athena Lee Jia Jin

■  (HK) Wong HoiWai

■  (CN) Zhang Xintong

■  (CN) Shang liai、Liu Fuping、Wu Xuan、Chen Qiumin、Luo Xiangling

■  (MY) Toh YiXuen、Teh Ann Qi

■  (SG) Sharmayne Tham Simin、Harissa Qistina Binte Suwandi

■  (SG) Judith Marissa Jothi d/o Jason、Reena Wong Shi Min

■  (CN) Ge Anxia

■  (CN) Zhang Jiaping

■  (CN) Gu Danxia、Lin Miaohui

■  (CN) Peng Yao


专业组   Professional Group

■ Yang Xiaotian

■ Li Juanbing

■ Sheng Qi

■ Jiang An

■ Guan Tingwei、Zhang Xiaodong、Luo Xuantao

■ Huang Yuting

■ Liang Xue

■ He Jian

■ Li Sha、Hu Qiaoli、Wang Lu

■ Zhuo Li、Liang Minjie、Wen Sipeng

■ li Xin

■ Ouyang Wanqing

■ Sun Yang



